Adeola Enigbokan

Adeola Enigbokan is omgevingspsycholoog en doceert Social Design aan de Design Academy Eindhoven. Ze heeft een doctoraat in psychologie van de City University of New York en een BA in antropologie van Columbia University.

- Spreker bij PAF op 6 februari 2024


  1. Boek: Caroline Criado Perez - Invisible Women

“The book provides pretty good documentation of the way design practices often exclude women in the imagination of new systems and products, across disciplines. Criado Perez also introduces the concept of the ‘default man’, who designers are often (unconsciously) centering in their design process. We might consider the ‘default man’ to be the opposite of the ‘shadow client.’ ”

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2. Artikel: Adeola Enigbokan - Citizen, Architect, Friend

“The article presents a concept for community-engaged participatory architecture, and presents two different architectural practices as examples. It is closely related to the concept of the Shadow Client. ”

Adeola Enigbokan gaf op 6 februari 2024 een lezing over participatieve praktijken en the Shadow Client.

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Gwen Verlinden


Lena Verlooy