Letters to a Young Architect - the letters

In a collaboration between architektur kollektiv (Germany) and PAF (platform for architecture & feminism) (Belgium), we invited eight women in architecture to reflect on their role and profession, to share their wisdom, questions and doubts with a younger generation of architects.

When studying architecture and entering the profession, one may feel overwhelmed by impressions, thoughts, and structural imbalances. With this project, we want to create a bond, a ‘we-feeling’ and an exchange between people, especially women*, and generations, in the architecture industry. Letters to a Young Architect is meant to be a place to come back to whenever you need motivation, advice, and new trains of thought.

You can read the letters below. On March 6th 2024 the letters were read and discussed in an online event. A video of the event will be online soon.

“It wasn’t until I gained prominence outside the architecture sphere that my voice began to be heard.”

Oana Bogdan, &bogdan


“(...) we are the first generation of women after the second world war to be able to study, live a fulfilling practice and raise a family together. This is only possible in times of peace and because we live in a democratic open-minded society.”


“Stay yourself, as an architect, as a woman, as a female architect (…)”

Els Claessens, Tania Vandenbussche, ectv architecten


“You are much more than your job.”

Jacqueline Karpa, der weibliche Architekt


“So one of the most important lessons I’ve learned is that respect for yourself & others should always come first.”

Sylvie Bruyninckx, VIVA Architecture


“During my studies I was encouraged to expect a golden future in the real world. The reality was subsequently sobering. Sometimes rigid, sometimes boring, sometimes extremely frustrating, with little room for my ambitions. That I kept believing in myself anyway had to do with self-initiated work on publications and research, together with colleagues, friends and other enthusiasts.”

Mechthild Stuhlmacher, Korteknie Stuhlmacher Architecten


“This thought that no one has thought yet. Pursue this idea. It’s not about genious, it’s about everyday life, personal stuff.”


Video: Letters to a Young Architect - online event


Verslag: “We moeten kritisch nadenken over de opdrachten die we aan studenten geven”